Play League of Legends on Your Phone or Tablet

Play League of Legends on Your Phone or Tablet

If you’ve always wanted to play League of Legends on your mobile phone or tablet, then you should rejoice because your wish has been finally granted.
March 03, 2023

Play League of Legends on Your Phone or Tablet

If you’ve always wanted to play League of Legends on your mobile phone or tablet, then you should rejoice because your wish has been finally granted. The non-PC version of the game is called Wild Rift and will be available for mobile devices and consoles starting 2020. This new version is coming to Android devices first off. According to Riot Games, Wild Rift is not just a copy of League of Legends. It will have its own controls, rewards, and maps. The game will have dual-stick controls that would perfectly complement mobile gaming’s online nature.

However, not all locks, champions and skins from LoL will be available in Wild Rift.  The mobile version will have 15 to 20-minute matches with a cap level of 15. This duration is shorter than the usual game time in LoL. If you want to download the game from Play Store, you have to pre-register first. App Store doesn’t have such a requirement. Wild Rift will have about 40 champions at launch. It can be played for free, just like LoL’s PC version. This means that you can unlock the champions without paying for anything. However, you need to buy cosmetics and any extras you want to get.

According to Riot, they recreated LoL from scratch to bring the popular game to mobile and console. Wild Rift has a 5v5 player format, revamped controls, and faster games. The final count of the champions has not been announced, but the company plans to release more in the future. Some of the characters that have appeared in the trailer include Ahri, Annie, Alistar, Braum, Ashe, Cassiopeia, Blitzcrank, Diana, Fiora, Draven, Camille, Janna, Darius, and Garen.

The map doesn’t have Inhibitors and nexus turrets. In Wild Rift, the nexus will throw turret shots at the player. Riot also changed some brushes and walls in the jungle. The game features 3 rows of 6 runes and 8 keystones. Conqueror, Conditioning, and Manaflow Band are some of the pre-existing runes that will make an appearance in the mobile version. Leaked screenshots showed that there would be a single rune tree. This means that you can use any rune within the game.

Some champions will have changes to their kit as well. Ashe is now capable of controlling her Enchanted Crystal Arrow. Items will be quite different as well. For instance, Boots of Speed cost 500 gold. The game will be subjected to a closed beta and alpha phase in select regions near the end of 2019.
