Most Played Champions on LoL Esports

Most Played Champions on LoL Esports

In League of Legends, there are over one hundred and forty champions that you can choose from. In those one hundred and forty characters, you just have to choose one ...
March 03, 2023

Most Played Champions on LoL Esports

In League of Legends, there are over one hundred and forty champions that you can choose from. In those one hundred and forty characters, you just have to choose one of them, which can definitely prove to be quite difficult. The champion you choose does also depend on which role you plan to play on the game. Whether it would be top, jungle, mid, support, and bot. There are always heroes better for each role compared to the other one.

So, who are the most played champion on LoL e-sports? Although it is quite difficult to tell, here are some of the heroes. They are completely compatible with each role mentioned before and also the ones that are most used on LoL e-sports.

Renekton, Pantheon, and Mordekaiser are the ones that are probably most compatible with the top lane role. Most of the champions chosen are actually not a surprise, to be more specific, Mordekaiser or Rnekton did not come as a surprise since they were champions who actually did well and was played by a lot. The one that did come as a surprise though, was Pantheon.

Now, for the jungle, Kha’Zix, Lee Sin and Gragas are the most played champions. All of these champions actually didn’t really give us much of a shock considering that they were all in a good place in some time or another like how Lee Sin was always wanted to be played by a lot of people and in tournaments back at around summer.

Ekko is a quite recent character that was implemented by Riot Games, and he was quite popular and was being played with a lot. Now, back to the other two, Ahri and Kassadin, once again, neither of these two did come as a surprise and was actually very much quite expected.

Support is a pretty important role. Thresh, Nautilus, and Blitzcrank are champions you should consider playing with since they’ve been used a lot when it comes to playing for support. Blitzcrank was actually an interesting choice but recently, he has been upgraded so that the hook’s range increased by 100 units which made him more popular and much more used by players.

Whenever tournaments happen, Kai’Sa will probably be the most used and popular character. So, you should definitely try playing her. There are also other choices such as Jinx and Caitlyn, which does appear as well.

