League of Legends: Popularity Heist

League of Legends: Popularity Heist

Due to the advancements in technology, various inventions are continuously making a place in the human world. This includes different games that are very...
March 03, 2023

League of Legends: Popularity Heist

Due to the advancements in technology, various inventions are continuously making a place in the human world. This includes different games that are very popular for adolescents. The rise of these systems had been a significant factor in the entertainment industries where a jungle of application is being created to satisfy the players’ needs. One is among the most played games in the world is called the League of Legends. This game had marked itself in the gaming industry and allowed so many players especially the young ones to experience an out of this world fantasy war.

With the bucketful applications that sprouted everywhere to get the attention of the players, how does League of Legends able to attract people to become part of the game? And how come this game has been a hit in the gaming industry?

First, League of Legends is a game that can be played freely. People always want to get something for free. If we were to choose between a game that will cost you money, then those that are free, of course, would take advantage of the game without pay. We don’t like spending money where we can always get something that does not need to be purchased just to enjoy and have access to the game. That is one of the primary reasons why the League of Legends has been so popular all over the world.

Next, playing on the computer alone is, most of the time, boring. Players of computer games always want to have comrades to talk to during the game, and this is where the League of Legends enters with its multiplayer feature. This enables gamers to play with their friends and compete with other players. This would suggest a more fun and exciting battle between the characters. So, a lot of people want to go to this game because they cannot just play with themselves but with the whole world.

Third, in games, there is always competition that happens.  What made this game very popular is because it lets the player compete and strive to be a better player so they can be on top of the ranking. Players combat to become one of the best players and show how they improve from the very beginning that they joined this game.

A lot of computer games had been so widely played, and the League of Legends is not an exception. With its features that satisfy the need of every player, this game is stabilizing its position on top with the continuous improvement in its system.

