League of Legend: Wild Rift

League of Legend: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift is a new online game for mobile devices. This is a reimagining of the most popular game in the world, League of Legends. Previously called Summoners Rift...
March 03, 2023

League of Legend: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift is a new online game for mobile devices. This is a reimagining of the most popular game in the world, League of Legends. Previously called Summoners Rift, the new version introduces more champions and skins.

The gameplay is still five versus five MOBA actions, but with exceptional mobile spin. There are also a few adjustments in the map, and abilities are cast with dual-stick controls. The match time is also reduced to 15 minutes to make it more mobile-friendly.

Free to Play

Like the previous version, Wild Rift can be played for free, with in-app purchases for skins and other content. The same to desktop League of Legends, you can only unlock champions through gameplay alone or bought outright to speed things up.

The new version features a similar ability system as League of Legend PC, however, with a mobile control layout. Similar to other mobile MOBA titles out there, this means a dual control stick scheme with the right stick to aim your skills and the left stick to move the champion.

There are also some adjustments in the skills of the champions for easy control on touch screens. Long-range shots zoom out the camera to make it easier to land off-screen foes. Specific skills and auto-attacks also utilize a new automatic targeting system for champions and creeps alike.

Items have been reworked, even if they still fill a similar role as League of Legend PC. The main exception is active items that work as enchants on boots. Every play can just buy one enchant, so ensure to choose wisely between QSS, Zhonyas stasis, Redemption heals, and so forth.

In general, the gameplay of Wild Rift has been fast-tracked in accommodating mobile play. Rather than 25 50 minutes fights found in LoL PC, LoL: WL will have fifteen to eighteen minutes matches.

Available Champions

At launch, forty champions are available in this new online game. These take account of the most classic champions like Malphite, Annie, as well as Nasus. Every champion has been remade and rebuilt from scratch, so not existing skins are available during the launch.


No longer having to depend on ML to please the LoL craves, Wild Rift provides an incredibly engaging version of LoL on mobile. However, Wild Rift still has some room for improvement.  Riot fixes a lot of technical problems, and the worldwide release is a huge success.

Chek out our post about teamfight tactics here: https://handleveled.net/blog/teamfight-tactics-basic
