Always Win a Lane in LoL with these Tips

Always Win a Lane in LoL with these Tips

It’s important to win your lane because the Laning Phase will determine how behind or ahead you will be in the last part of the game.
March 03, 2023

Always Win a Lane in LoL with these Tips

It’s important to win your lane because the Laning Phase will determine how behind or ahead you will be in the last part of the game. One of the most important things to keep in mind is to choose the right runes for the coming match-up and your champions.

Choose the Right Runes

The runes for the champions may not have any significant change, but the minor alterations to the pages will have a bigger effect than you think. Use the defensive stats that will give you an advantage in your lane. For instance, you should take the 2 Armor Stats instead of taking damage if you are fighting with an AD Assassin. After all, you won’t be able to attack your enemy if you’re not alive.

Focus on Farming and Trading

You should also focus on farming. If you have more gold, you can trade faster and much more effectively. Focus on your farm throughout the game and the lane. Use the gold to buy extra items and gain an advantage over your opponents. It’s also important to trade effectively and efficiently. How can you do this? Deal some damage to your opponent and take some attacks from them too. Continuously winning trades will benefit you in the long run.

You should monitor the CDs of your opponent as well. This way, you can trade with them when Summoner Spells or some abilities are not available. For instance, if your opponent used an important skill with a decent length CD, you can trade with them at a lower risk.

Take Advantage of Your Enemy’s Mistakes

Watching replays and paying attention to the times where you or the enemy misplayed will help you know when to take advantage of their mistakes. Mispositioning is a common mistake in lower elo. You can get a kill if you can bait the enemy into mispositioning, or you know what you should look for.

Some players overextend while farming up. You should know when to freeze waves and break a freeze, so you can avoid the same mistake. If you want to break a freeze, you only need to push the wave into the opponent’s Turret. This is risky because you might need to overextend to make this possible. Don’t overextend unless you know the exact position of the enemy Jungler.

It’s also important to understand the match-up. See what the opponent’s kit does. This way, you can see the CDs on their skills and take advantage of their mistakes.
