A starter Guide for League of Legends (Part II)

A starter Guide for League of Legends (Part II)

The second part of our starter Guide, where you can read about the objectives of the game, and some tips about how you can achieve them!
March 03, 2023

Every League of Legends game is different than the other one, but the main objectives are the same, and they all end like the last one: destroying the nexus. It is the main goal, all you do in a game is to progress to this point, but to get there you need to fight your way trough various challengers.

The game is divided into three so called phases: Early game, mid game and late game. Let's start with the first one:
-Early game: This phase starts with you and your team being summoner to the summoners rift. After buying your items, you walk up to your designated lane or to the jungle, and start to farm. in some cases, you can do some proactive plays before the minions arrive to the middle of your lane, such as hiding in a bush in the enemies side of the jungle to catch someone off guard, or just placing a ward somewhere, so you know when the enemy jungler is near and you have to back off not to get ganked.
once the minions arrive or the jungle camps spawn, you start farming (last hitting) the minions, while you sneak in a few attacks on the enemy champion, and avoid his attacks. You try to secure an early game lead by killing the enemies with the help of your jungler, support or maybe alone one-on-one with the enemy. You can try to kill the "Rift herald", located in the baron pit before the 20 minute mark in the game, which will help you in your ultimate goal in early game. This phase of the game usually ends with the destruction of one of the towers on your lane. Once you've done that, you can progress to other lanes to help, try to focus on main objectives (described later), show up in teamfights or progress to the second tower on your lane.
-Mid game: After destroying your enemies tower on your lane, you gathered some gold to buy some powerful items already. If you achieved a lead in your early game against your lane enemy, you should be able to move pretty freely around the map to help out your team, or make your lead even more substential. In this part of the game, there are two objectives you should try to secure: the dragon and the baron. Dragons spawn from the beginning of the game. There are 4 types, each giving you different power-ups for the rest of the game. After 35 minutes, the elder dragon will spawn, which gives you a short buff that doubles your previously earned drangon buffs in the game. The baron is located between mid and top lane, and is more difficult to kill; but it gives a more powerful buff aswell. If you can, you should always take these objectives.
-Late game: While elder dragons and barons migth be late game objectives, there are some that are definietly late game ones. the late game consists of teamfights all aroudn the map. Possibly epic battles between all the players, maybe around one of the main objectives. If your team wins a teamfight, you always want to get somehing out of it other than the gold you earned for the kills. You should kill baron/dragon, take enemy jungle camps, build vision in enemy jungle, take enemy towers or if possible inhibitors. There are 3 inhibitors in each base, destroying one will get you a super minion for each wave in that given lane. An inhibitor is the most important thing to get in most of the cases after a teamfight. Another reason for that is, that once one inhibitor is down, you can start to siege the nexus, the ultimate objective. Once both nexus towers are down, you should go for a final push to finish the game and collect your well deserved victory!

While this guide shows you how to proceed to win from a winning situation (e.g. Winning the laning phase, midgame, teamfights etc.), this might be also what your enemy does to your team. If you find yourself in a losing situation, check out our post on how to play League of Legends from behind!
