A starter Guide for League of Legends (Part I)

A starter Guide for League of Legends (Part I)

In this article you can read about the basic idea and gameplay of League of Legends, how to get started with it, and what to do to take your first steps towards being the ultimate Summoner!
March 03, 2023

You probably heard about the game League of Legends, and you are wondering how the game works, what's in it so intresting that tens of millions of people play it all around the world. Here is the basic rundown of that.

The game is played by 10 players, 5-5 on each team. You and 4 of your teammates each play on a designated role, depending on the games role selection or upon agreement. Here are the 5 roles you can play:
-Top lane: Top lane is a lane, where you'll play alone against your sole lane enemy. As a laner, you have to last hit minions, which in exchange gives you gold to spend and make you stronger. As the minions health bar drops to nearly nothing, your goal is to right-click on it, so you kill it, not another minion or your tower. If a minion dies next to you (from your hit or anything else), you gain experience. Once you hit a new level, you can give one point to one of your abilities. Summoner s
-Jungle: As a jungler, you don't last hit minions, you get your experience and gold from the jungle camps all around the map. Your other responsibility is to help the laners with so called Ganks. In these, you show up on their lanes, and try to get a kill on their enemy laner, in which you help them win their laning phase, and destroy the enemies outer tower on that lane.
-Mid lane: You as a mid laner have a huge potential to be the pulling force, "the carry" on your team. You can get strong enough that your damage alone is putting up to destroy the whole enemy team, as long as your teammates protect you. To get to that level of strength, you have to last hit minions just like on top lane, but here, since you are in the middle of the map, you have the possibility to "gank" other lanes, just like your jungler (if possible do that together for better results). You can also have a big impact on securing 2 of the objectives,the dragon and the baron.
-Bot lane (ADC): As the bot laner, you'll play in lane with another summoner, the support. You usually play with an AD carry champion in this role, which is a very important position: You'll output the most damage if you get to that point, therefore you'll be able to kill the enemy champions and objectives with the best chance, given that your team protected you well enough. You have to last hit minions, and attack your enemies as much as you can. The reason why you play with another player together, is becouse you are very easy to kill at the early part of the game. You alone would be always a victim of a gank, With your support, you can be more agressive and have more chance to survive any attacks on your lane. 
-Support: Some say it can be the most important role of the game, but each player decides that for himself. Their role is to help the bot laner to survive, place wards to get vision on the enemy team, help the bot laner secure kills and sometimes be a tank to soak up damage while the damage champions kill the enemy team. It is truly a very versatile role to play, and it can be very rewarding, but it lacks damage in most cases, so you are very reliant on the other players of the team.

In this guide you could understand the basic positioning and roles of each player in a team, but to be a pro in the game, there is still a lot to learn!
You can learn about the next steps in our jurney in our next Guide!
